New Zealand Is Open!

New Zealand band L.A.B's sold-out concert has been a success as fans turned up to New Zealand's first major music gig since the Covid-19 lockdown. Thousands of fans turned up to see the Reggae band perform at Spark Arena.

Fans didn't have to worry about social-distancing as the country has not had community transmission of the virus for months — letting New Zealand move to alert level 1. Mikee Tucker, promoter and director of Loop, which promotes L.A.B, told the Herald it was the first arena music show worldwide for many many weeks. "In addition to breathing air back into the lungs of the live entertainment industry it was awesome to see 6000 happy, smiling faces," he said.

The success of the big event, along with thousands of rugby fans filling up Eden Park over the past few weeks, means a sense of some type of normalcy is coming back to New Zealand.

Sourced by Megan Harvey of NZ Herald. Read the full article HERE